Both Sides of the Fence: Preaching and Teaching
The author of this book, Dr. Johnnie R. Bradley Sr., is a fine practitioner of the art of celebration in the African American tradition. As this book indicates, Bradley is a proponent of a particular type of preaching-not because it is trendy or lucrative, but because of its inherent pedagogical and evangelistic qualities. Bradley lives and breathes expository preaching! This book records the purpose, power, and possibilities of expository preaching. ISBN: 1432774433.

Warren Journal of Theology: Providing Perspective
The editor in chief is T.D. Desso. Dr. Leon Moore, Dr. Joseph Ellzey, Jr., and Dr. Marlow Daniel McGuire, Sr. have all wrote journal articles. Warren, through the dissemination of scholarly and insightful research from respected and accomplished scholars, seeks to present fair, unbiased, and broad perspective on contemporary issues that concern the health of the church and the academy. This journal publishes a new issue every three months. ISSN: 2832-1642.

Deep-Rooted by His Blood Shed on the Cross
An expositional commentary on the Colossians’ letter. Students from the Great Commission Baptist Church Campus of DBTI wrote this book. Dr. Joseph Ellzey, Jr. serves as the chief editor. Dr. Johnnie Bradley, Pastor Keith Chilton, Deacon Lester Rushin, Pastor Reuben Garcia, Reverend Jamell Grandberry, Sisters Zita Bolling, Phyllis Royal-Brown, and Glendoria Boyd are among those who have contributed. This book is dedicated to the late Dr. Billy J. Bell, who served as pastor of the New Creation Bible Church in Dallas, Texas, and as a professor at DBTI. ISBN: 978-0-578-25702-0.

A Charge to Keep I Have: An Expositional Commentary
An expositional commentary on the pastoral letters of the New Testament for preaching and teaching. Dr. Joseph Ellzey, Jr. serves as the chief editor. Contributors include academic staff and students from the DBTI Great Commission Campus. Dr. Kenneth E. Wilson, Reverend Terrance D. Howard, Reverend Harold Alexander, Reverend Jamell Grandberry, and Reverend Reginald A. Yaites, Jr. There are 26 biblical lessons in this book. For bible students, preachers, instructors, and laypeople, this verse-by-verse commentary on 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus has been written. ISBN: 978-0-9-578-24982-7.