Dr. Leon Moore, President
Dallas Bible Theological Institute
Since 1943, men and women have marched through the halls of learning at DBTI. We continue to provide a sound theological and biblical education to individuals and churches who want to promote God’s kingdom. DBTI is known as an institution built on sound biblical doctrine, truth and practice. We have an excellent faculty serving as academic coaches. The school values are growing students spiritually and bringing the good news of Jesus Christ from the Cross to the world. Whether you want to study one year or two years or more, we have the program that will support your ministry.
We are a Great Commission [Matthew 28:18-20] school because we believe this is God’s service mandate for believers. We believe in supporting the local church in its ministry endeavors. When students leave DBTI, they are equipped to take the next challenge God is calling them to serve Him. Our theme verse comes from John 8:32, “ You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Check us out! We invite you to join us today and inquire how you can grow in the LORD at DBTI!
About Dr. Leon Moore
Dr. Moore, a Mississippi native, has over 40 years of practical experience in ministry and marketplace. He received the B.S. degree from Alcorn State University, MBA from the University of Minnesota, M.A. from Dallas Theological Seminary, and D.Min. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received a certification in church consulting from the Society for Church Consulting and is a Certified Church Administrator (CCA). He is a proud husband and father and is committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.